May 7, 2011 - 15:07 AMT
Armenia hosts first tourist guide trainings in South Caucasus

On April 30 through May 6, Armenia hosted tourist guide trainings for the first time in South Caucasus organized by German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ) and USAID Economic Prosperity Initiative (EPI).

As the head of the department of tourism and territorial & economic development at Armenian Economy Ministry Mekhak Apresyan told a news conference in Yerevan, the initiative, increasing the awareness of the Armenian guides of the international standards, is planned to be made regular.

Ms. Felicitas Wressnig, the Vice President of the World Federation of Tourist Guide Associations, in turn, noted that the trainings involved tourist guides from Armenia and Georgia. She expressed hope for the other regional states, Turkey and Azerbaijan, to join the initiative in future.