May 11, 2011 - 14:16 AMT
Armenia tries to increase quality of products to access European markets

Armenian Minister of Economy Tigran Davtyan said the Armenian authorities will focus on the country’s structures of quality control, metrology and standards.

The quality assurance is a priority field on Armenia’s way to integration into the European Union and it is of keen importance for the development of the country’s economy and increase of its export potential, Davtyan said in Yerevan on May 11.

“The reforms in the quality assurance system are a precondition for Armenia to join the free trade agreement,” he noted after a working visit to the Agency of Accreditation, Inspection for Protection of Market and Consumers’ Interests, National Institute of Metrology and National Institute of Standards at the RA Ministry of Economy.

The Minister added that the authorities’ efforts are aimed at bringing the quality system in compliance with average European standards, what will allow easier access to European markets for Armenian products.

According to Davtyan, the Armenian government has spent considerable budgetary and loan funds to supply laboratories with modern equipment to increase the quality and efficiency of provided services in this infrastructure.