June 2, 2011 - 16:09 AMT
Turkish opposition seeks Istanbul’s Armenian community support

A representative of Turkey's opposition Republican People's Party (CHP) Aydin Ayaydin met with the Patriarchal Vicar of Constantinople, Archbishop Aram Ateshian.

As Mr. Ayaydin noted at the meeting, CHP will protect Turkey’s national minorities’ interests. “This is a party line which does not depend on religion, race or language,” Hurriyet quoted him as saying.

The Archbishop, in turn, stated that Armenian community is expecting help and support on behalf of CHP.

Parliamentary election in Turkey is set for June 12. АКР Justice and Development Party headed by Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan holds the leadership, followed by Republican People's Party (CHP) and nationalists which may overcome a 10% barrier.