June 3, 2011 - 14:21 AMT
Orhan Pamuk fined for “denigrating Turkishness”

Sisli trial court in Istanbul sentenced Nobel Prize recipient Orhan Pamuk to pay 6,000 liras in total to plantiffs for his statement in an interview with Das Magazin Swiss publication.

Pamuk said, “30 thousand Kurds have been killed here, and 1 million Armenians. And almost nobody dares to mention that. So I do.”

The court charged Pamuk with “distortion of historic reality and profanation of Turkish nation’s character.”

Turkish novelist Orhan Pamuk has been persecuted in Turkey since 2005 for his statements on 1915 Armenian massacres. In 2006 Pamuk was awarded a Nobel Prize for his novel Snow, containing mention of Kars- residing Armenians.