January 9, 2001 - 21:19 AMT
09.01.2001, MEDIAMAX, YEREVAN. On January 8 the President of Armenia Robert Kocharian signed the decree on making changes and additions in the structure and the staff of the government, Mediamax was informed in the press service of the president.
In accord with the decree, the ministry for coordination of territorial management activity and urban development has been reorganized into the ministry of urban-development, and the post of the minister for territorial management has been included in the structure of the government.
On January 8 Armenian president signed the decree about appointing David Lokian the minister for urban development. Before this appointment Lokian was the leader of "Dashnaktsutiun" parliamentary faction.
According to the January 8 decree of the president, Hovik Abrahamian has been released from the post of the minister for coordination of territorial management activity and urban development and has been appointed the minister for territorial management.
By the order of the president Eduard Madatian is released from the post of the minister for transport and communications. Yervand Zakharian, who already held this post in 1998-99, and until recently was the deputy minister for state income, has been appointed to this post. -0-