June 30, 2011 - 14:07 AMT
306 hectares of new gardens to be laid out in Armenia

Starting from 2012, 306 hectares of new gardens will be laid out in Armenia within three years as part of Development of Agricultural Opportunities program.

As Foreign Relations Executive of the Rural Development Program at RA Ministry of Agriculture, Alexander Kalantaryan, told a press conference in Yerevan, “relevant agreements with International Foundation for Agricultural Development (IFAD) were signed several days ago.”

“The program will cost $52 mln., of which $13-14 mln will be allotted to development of agriculture, while the rest of the sum will go to construction of necessary infrastructure,” said Kalantaryan.

Gardens will be laid out in Vayots Dzor, Aragatsotn and Tavush provinces. The government plans to conclude agreements with farmers on land rent for 10 or 12-year term. Moreover, it is envisioned to allot lax credits to farmers thanks to which it is planned to expand the area of new gardens to 700 hectares.