June 30, 2011 - 14:51 AMT
Armenian labor migrants flow to Russia

Armenian State Migration Service is worried about outflow of labor migrants from Armenia.

“Today most of Armenian labor migrants leave for Russia,” Deputy Director of the Armenian State Migration Service Inna Davtyan told a press conference in Yerevan within the framework of the colloquy ‘Migration: challenges for local and regional authorities.’

“94% of Armenian labor migrants leave for Russia because of language and job opportunities,” said Davtyan. In this context she noted that Armenians working in Russia are law-abiding and observe all terms stipulated for labor migrants. According to her, the main problem of Armenian labor migrants is lack of labor contract, which employers usually withhold to avoid taxes.

Davtyan also stressed that a definite number of Armenians in search of work leave for Ukraine and U.S. “Armenian migrants abroad often get engaged in construction or trade,” said Deputy Director of the Armenian State Migration Service, adding that in October, Armenian State Migration Service will present to the government of Armenia a project consisting of 14 points, envisioning solution of migration problem of the country.