August 2, 2011 - 21:50 AMT
ANM board chairman says migration key issue in Armenia

The Armenian National Movement (ANM) board chairman Aram Manukyan expressed his disbelief for the authorities at Armenian National Congress (ANC) rally, referring to opposition –coalition dialogue.

As a PanARMENIAN.Net correspondent reported from the ground, Manukyan noted migration as one of the key issues in Armenia. “350000 Armenians died in World War II; current migration rate will soon reach the figure cited,” Manukyan stressed.

Ashe stressed, the authorities are only driven by fear in the face of people. “Nowhere else would so many people gather in 40C heat,” he said.

ANC rally launched at 8:00 p.m. Yerevan time, gathering several thousand people, the least number of demonstrators as compared to previous rallies.