August 20, 2011 - 12:01 AMT
Egypt withdraws ambassador from Israel

Egypt said early Saturday, August 20, it will withdraw its ambassador from Israel to protest the deaths of Egyptian security forces in what it called a breach of a peace treaty, sharply escalating tensions between the two countries after a cross-border ambush that killed eight Israelis, the Associated Press reported.

In strong language, Egyptian Cabinet it said Israel was to blame because lax security from its side allowed the ambush to take place.

"The Egyptian ambassador to Israel will be withdrawn until we are notified about the results of an investigation by the Israeli authorities, and receive an apology from its leadership over the sad and hasty remarks about Egypt," the Cabinet statement said.

It was the first time in nearly 11 years that Egypt decided to withdraw its ambassador from Israel. The last time was in November 2000 when the Egyptians protested what they called excessive use of violence during the second Palestinian uprising.