September 22, 2011 - 14:04 AMT
ANCA: key to our collective success is to remain confident in our strength

Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA) Chairman Ken Hachikian delivered a strong message of hope and commitment at the 2011 Armenia-Diaspora Conference, organized by Armenia's Ministry of Diaspora, on September 18-20. The conference coincided with 20th anniversary celebrations of the Republic of Armenia, marked on September 21.

“We celebrate this milestone in our nation's long journey with a profound appreciation of the will and wisdom - the service and sacrifice - that have brought us to this great moment in our history,” he said. “For this partnership to endure and to grow - for our relationship to meet the unforgiving challenges of today and the unforeseeable tests of tomorrow - it must rest upon a foundation of trust and mutual respect.”

“In each of the issues we advocate, we face powerful and well-funded opposition. Arrayed against us are some of the most influential groups in the American political system. We have a renewed focus on strengthening our grassroots, both in our larger communities as well as in areas not traditionally populated by large numbers of Armenian Americans,” Mr. Hachikian said.

“And so, in closing, let me say that the key to our collective success is to remain confident in our strength, the abilities of our youth, the ultimate morality of our positions, and the devotion of the Armenian people to the just cause of the Armenian nation.”

“We must continue to pursue a confident, assertive brand of diasporan advocacy that builds upon, but is not bound by, our past. We must expand Armenian power and influence globally, building a far-reaching network of identity and strength that serve as both sword and shield for Armenia’s security and survival,” ANCA Chairman concluded.