September 23, 2011 - 21:07 AMT
ANC to increase frequency of opposition rallies

Armenian National Congress (ANC) opposition block launches a new stage of struggle against the ruling authorities, ANC leader stressed.

As Levon Ter-Petrossian stated at the rally, despite Congress attempts to solve the political crisis through civilized methods, Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan won't agree to concessions unless pressured.

As Ter-Petrossian announced in this context, more frequent rallies are under way, with ANC posing new demands to authorities.

Here belong: pre-term president and parliament elections; introduction of ANC-suggested amendments to Electoral Code; discovery of March 1, 2008 events; release of detained ANC supporter Tigran Arakelyan; reversion of a ban on street trading. Ter-Petrossian spoke against construction of new multi-storey buildings in the capital as well as prosecution of media.

“With the first two demands of key importance, we, however are ready for reasonable compromise,” ANC leader concluded.