July 18, 2000 - 19:24 AMT
18.07.2000, MEDIAMAX, YEREVAN. A UN plane transferred 6 Azerbaijani prisoners today from Yerevan to Baku - 4 from the Republic of Nagorno Karabakh and 2 from Armenia. Karen Mirzoyan, the permanent representative of RNK in Armenia informed the journalists that after today's release of Nayil Rajabov, Mubariz Aliyev, Oleg Magomedov and Elnur Mehtiyev, there are no more Azeri war prisoners in RNK.
The president of RNK Arkady Ghoukasian took the decision of releasing 4 war prisoners after the corresponding request of the Chairperson-in-Office of the OSCE, Benita Ferrero-Waldner. One of the released prisoners - Oleg Magomedov stated that he is sincerely grateful for that to Arkady Ghoukasian. Magomedov stated that he is a citizen of Russia, has lived in Daghestan where he was kidnapped and brought to Azerbaijan. "From Azerbaijan I was sent to serve in the army by forged documents", said the former prisoner.
The war captives noted that brute force was used toward them only when they were taken as prisoners. As regards the treatment toward them in the isolation ward, then the prisoners say it was utmost proper.
The permanent representative of RNK in Armenia, Karen Mirzoyan noted that the Karabakhi side hopes this act of good will be assessed by the international community, which will influence the Azeri side to release the Armenian war prisoners in Azerbaijan. According to the last data, there are about 300 Armenian war captives and missing in Azerbaijan, but we have detailed information only about 12 of them.
The chairperson of the social organization "Fund against legal tyranny", Larisa Alaverdian informed the journalists that on June 29 her meeting with the chairman of the state commission of Azerbaijan for the affairs of war prisoners and missing, Nammik Abasov took place in Baku, during which she appealed to the Azerbaijani side to present accurate information about the places the Armenian prisoners are kept in.
In total, Armenia has released 5 Azeri war captives during 2000.