November 23, 2011 - 09:14 AMT
Mullahs already decided Iran wants to go nuclear - U.S. presidential hopeful

U.S. presidential hopeful, former Ambassador to China believes strengthening American sanctions against Iran won’t get the country abandon the nuclear program.

“We have nuclearization in Iran. Centrifuges spinning. At some point, they’re going to have enough in the way of fissile material out of which to make a weapon. That’s a certainty,” Jon Huntsman said during a presidential debate.

“We had a discussion earlier tonight about sanctions. Everybody commented on sanctions; sanctions aren’t going to work. I hate to break it to you. They’re not going to work because the Chinese aren’t going to play ball and the Russians aren’t going to play ball.

“And I believe Iran has already - the mullahs have already decided they want to go nuclear. Why? They have looked at North Korea.”

“They’ve got a weapon. Nobody touches them. They look at Libya. Libya gave up their weapon in exchange for friendship with the world. Look where they are,” The Boston Globe quoted Huntsman as saying.