November 26, 2011 - 18:11 AMT
Unfounded price increase main focus of Armenia's antimonopoly bodies

In Armenia, like any other country in the world, antimonopoly authority in entitled to step in to prevent unfounded alteration of price, according to the chairman of the State Commission for the Protection of Economic Competition (SCPEC).

In a conversation with a PanARMENIAN.Net reporter, Artak Shaboyan noted unfounded price increase among Armenia’s issues. “As opposed to Armenia, dumping is one of the common practices in Europe to eventually oust the competitors from the market,” SCPEC chair explained.

“In such cases, the antimonopoly authority interferes. Upon studying the situation, the actual price is announced. Here, however the authority has to bear discontent of consumers, unhappy to see a sudden wave of low prices reversed,” Shaboyan remarked.