December 22, 2011 - 14:09 AMT
French MP: Genocide bill is a tool for human rights protection

The law fosters spreading of the phenomenon unless it envisages punishment, a French member of parliament, mayor of Nice said.

Christian Estrosi assessed 1915 events as Genocide, noting that the bill criminalizing Armenian Genocide denial will contribute to human rights protection. “The draft law will help us protect the weak from dictators,” he said, expressing unawareness about existence of documents that denounce the fact of Genocide.

For his part, French MP René Rouquet stated that December 22 “may become human rights protection day citing justice towards Armenians as the purpose of ongoing debate.”

“Since 2001, France has strived to return Armenian property to its rightful owners,” he added.

Today, December 22, the French parliament is debating the bill, which envisages a year in jail and a fine of 45,000 euros for those who publicly deny the Armenian Genocide in France.

Turkey has piled pressure on France to drop the law ahead of the vote, with President Abdullah Gul and a Turkish delegation to Paris warning its adoption will spark a diplomatic crisis and have economic consequences.