December 23, 2011 - 13:38 AMT
France’s Genocide bill not to affect similar discussions in Knesset - ARFD

Israel's Knesset Committee for Education, Culture, and Sports will vote for recognition of Armenian Genocide on December 26, according to ARF Bureau political affairs office director.

Kiro Manoyan argued that many MPs in Knesset backed the idea of Genocide recognition and supported it even before relations with Turkey deteriorated.

“However, Knesset is unlikely to easily support the committee’s position on the issue, as Israeli authorities have stood against recognition of the Armenian Genocide so far,” Manoyan said, adding that public opinion in Israel favors the acknowledgement.

He stressed that France’s bill will carry no significant effect on similar discussions in Knesset, which is set to discuss recognition of Armenian Genocide on December 26.

Knesset Speaker Reuven Rivlin, who publicly expressed support for Genocide recognition in May 2011 will attend the debate. On December 22, French National Assembly passed the bill criminalizing the Armenian Genocide denial. The draft law envisages a year in jail and a fine of 45,000 euros for those who publicly deny the Armenian Genocide in France.