October 20, 2003 - 23:37 AMT
Armenia should stand the guarantor of the Nagorno Karabakh security and its independence, Dashnaktsutyun party board member, chairman of the commission for the Armenian parliament's external links Armen Rustamian told when commenting on the preparation of the OSCE Minsk group co-chairmen's new proposes on the Nagorno Karabakh conflict. His party fellow and vice-speaker of the Armenian parliament Vahan Hovhannisian characterized A. Rustamian's present initiative as "rather fresh and opportune". Armenia can only agree with such a variant of the problem settlement, as it corresponds to the interests of the whole Armenian nation. Just in this view Armenia should appear the guarantor of the independence and security of Nagorno Karabakh", - V. Hovhannisian told IA Regnum. "It is not a secret that after the presidential election in Azerbaijan the process of finding the ways for the conflict settlement will be strongly intensified, thus demanding from the two parties to determine their stand. From this perspective, Armenia ought to be the guarantor of security and independence of the NKR and raise the status of Nagorno Karabakh in the negotiation process. In other words to advance the logic of the negotiations to the heart and nature of the problem", - V. Hovhannisian said.