March 20, 2012 - 13:49 AMT
CRU head calls Armenian President leader of national-conservative movement

Leader of the Constitutional Right Union (CRU) Hayk Babukhanyan briefed the journalists on the alliance with the Republican Party of Armenia explaining it by common views of the two parties. He informed that CRU will get three seats in the RPA electoral list.

“This decision comes natural to us, since CRU has been cooperating with RPA since 1989, and this collaboration was so close that I managed RPA's official paper being vice-chairman of CRU in 1992,” Babukhanyan said.

CRU head emphasized that the ideology of the two parties is based on the national-conservative concept, and his party considers Armenian President, RPA leader Serzh Sargsyan to be the head of the national-conservative movement in the country.

Babukhanyan also ruled out the possibility of CRU's dismissal and its merger with RPA in the future.