Shahgeldyan: Number of People Ready to Say "Yes" to Constitution Amendments Increased

November 14, 2005 - 17:49 AMT  10:34 GMT
The informing of the country population on the essence of constitutional reforms turns to active propaganda, Mher Shahgeldyan stated.

Iranian FM: Armenia-Iran Energy Relations Need Development

November 14, 2005 - 17:35 AMT  10:34 GMT
The project of transportation of gas through Armenia and Georgia to Ukraine may in addition become a development and progress factor in the region, stated Manouchehr Mottaki.

Situation in South Caucasus Discussed at Russia-NATO Sitting

November 14, 2005 - 17:27 AMT  10:34 GMT
In future one of the challenges for NATO will be the stability in the regions surrounding Europe, especially the Muslim ones, Pierre Lellouche stated.

OSCE MG Hasn't Received Response to Kocharian-Aliyev Meeting Proposal Yet

November 14, 2005 - 15:43 AMT  10:34 GMT
In Ljubljana the mediators will meet with the Armenian and Azerbaijani FMs.

Lincy Foundation to Allot $60 Million for School and Road Repair

November 14, 2005 - 15:35 AMT  10:34 GMT
The relative memorandum was ratified by the Armenian National Assembly.

Armenian Delegation Familiarized With Iran-Armenia Gas Pipeline Construction Works

November 14, 2005 - 14:09 AMT  10:34 GMT
Before arriving in Iran the Armenian delegation stopped at the Meghri checkpoint to get acquainted with the latest changes in the technical and service fields.

ERDB to Allot RA Banks 40 Million Euros in 2006-2007

November 14, 2005 - 13:29 AMT  10:34 GMT
The Armenian economy is dynamically developing and entrepreneurs need credits at the current stage, Head of the EBRD Yerevan Office stated.

Unknown Attempted to Set Fire to Center of Armenian Culture in Pyatigorsk

November 14, 2005 - 12:36 AMT  10:34 GMT
Three malefactors wrote "Allahu Akbar" at the wall of the building and then threw a bottle with ignition compound in the window.

Azeri Opposition Going to Launch Termless Rallies

November 14, 2005 - 12:27 AMT  10:34 GMT
"It's high time for making decisions," Head of the Azaldyg bloc headquarters said.

Ankara Fears from the Obligation to Pay Compensation to the Heirs of Armenian Genocide Victims

November 10, 2005 - 11:46 AMT  10:34 GMT
The government of Turkey has approved the proposal of political strategists insisting on the necessity to discredit Western insurance companies yielding to the pressure of Armenian organizations. The newly established structure in Ankara, known as «the commission for denying the invented Armenian genocide» has sanctioned actions of protest against the decision of French «Axa» insurance company which has agreed to make concessions to Armenians. It is worth reminding that as a result of the judicial process started by the claim of heirs of Turkish Armenian insurance policy holders, the parties reached an agreement according to which the company engaged itself to pay 17 million US dollars to the heirs of insurance holders who had suffered from the events of 1915.