Georgia, Ukraine and Moldova Meddling into Issue that Doesn't Concern Them

Georgia, Ukraine and Moldova Meddling into Issue that Doesn't Concern Them

December 7, 2006 - 19:04 AMT  15:18 GMT
The axis of the Nagorno Karabakh negotiations is the right of NKR people to self-determination, said Vartan Oskanian.
NATO Sec. Gen. Assessed Highly Armenia's Contribution to Alliance's Peacekeeping

NATO Sec. Gen. Assessed Highly Armenia's Contribution to Alliance's Peacekeeping

December 7, 2006 - 18:18 AMT  15:18 GMT
Vartan Oskanian and Jaap de Hoop Scheffer discussed the Armenian-Turkish relations and the Nagorno Karabakh conflict settlement.
Armenia Left without Hymn for Some Days

Armenia Left without Hymn for Some Days

December 7, 2006 - 17:50 AMT  15:18 GMT
Armenia's National Assembly will held a special session within the next few days aiming at adopting the bill "On Hymn" in final reading.
18th Anniversary of Spitak Earthquake Marked in Minsk

18th Anniversary of Spitak Earthquake Marked in Minsk

December 7, 2006 - 17:17 AMT  15:18 GMT
A mourning ceremony was held near the Khachkar of Minsk Military cemetery.
Transdnistria and Nagorno Karabakh Have Much in Common

Transdnistria and Nagorno Karabakh Have Much in Common

December 7, 2006 - 17:12 AMT  15:18 GMT
Yuri Hayrapetian: both Transdnistria and Nagorno Karabakh are not perceived by the international community as full structures of international law.
Last Echelon with Russian Armament Left Georgia

Last Echelon with Russian Armament Left Georgia

December 7, 2006 - 16:47 AMT  15:18 GMT
This is already the 7th echelon with Russian equipment, armament and property that leaves Batumi.
Ann Derse: US against 907th Amendment

Ann Derse: US against 907th Amendment

December 7, 2006 - 16:29 AMT  15:18 GMT
The US stand on the 907th amendment of Liberty Support Act has not changed and official Washington is against the existence of such amendment.
EU-Turkey Talks May Be Postponed for at Least a Year

EU-Turkey Talks May Be Postponed for at Least a Year

December 7, 2006 - 16:13 AMT  15:18 GMT
Angela Merkel offers to toughen conditions for Turkey's EU bid.
RF State Duma: South Ossetian Referendum Met International Norms

RF State Duma: South Ossetian Referendum Met International Norms

December 7, 2006 - 15:57 AMT  15:18 GMT
The Russian State Duma adopted a statement on the referendum and elections in South Ossetia.
18th Anniversary of Spitak Earthquake Marked in Karabakh

18th Anniversary of Spitak Earthquake Marked in Karabakh

December 7, 2006 - 15:49 AMT  15:18 GMT
The acolytes of the Artsakh Hierarchy of the Armenian Apostolic Church chanted a service in memory of the victims.