No progress in Armenia-Turkey relations recently, Oskanian says

No progress in Armenia-Turkey relations recently, Oskanian says

April 28, 2007 - 16:05 AMT  05:03 GMT
The RA FM stressed the necessity of opening the Armenian-Turkish border and repeal of article 301 of the Turkish Penal Code.
U.S.-Azerbaijan military consultations may be held late May

U.S.-Azerbaijan military consultations may be held late May

April 28, 2007 - 15:36 AMT  05:03 GMT
The Azeri Embassy in the U.S. has resumed talks with the local officials to exact the terms of Azeri delegation's arrival.
EU: fair election necessary for Armenia's European integration

EU: fair election necessary for Armenia's European integration

April 28, 2007 - 15:27 AMT  05:03 GMT
Vartan Oskanian met with Benita Ferrero-Waldner, EU Commissioner for External Relations and European Neighborhood Policy.
U.S. to present draft resolution on Kosovo to UNSC

U.S. to present draft resolution on Kosovo to UNSC

April 28, 2007 - 15:02 AMT  05:03 GMT
The United States plans to co-sponsor a UN resolution that would allow Kosovo's provisional government to declare independence
Armenia going to deepen political dialogue with EU

Armenia going to deepen political dialogue with EU

April 28, 2007 - 14:57 AMT  05:03 GMT
If Azerbaijan demonstrates political will progress in the Karabakh peaceful process can be possible.
FU Berlin confers an honorary doctorate on Orhan Pamuk

FU Berlin confers an honorary doctorate on Orhan Pamuk

April 28, 2007 - 14:31 AMT  05:03 GMT
FU Berlin honors the Turkish writer for his valuable contribution to world literature and society in general.
Turkish parliament may declare pre-term election

Turkish parliament may declare pre-term election

April 28, 2007 - 14:28 AMT  05:03 GMT
On Friday, Gul won 357 votes. He had needed 367 to win.

After exterminating the Armenians the Turks were going to do the same with the Kurds and Arabs

April 25, 2007 - 16:42 AMT  05:03 GMT
The whole story with the recognition of the Armenian Genocide started right after the world learned about the slaughter. Already in 1916 the governments of the USA and of some European countries called the Ottoman Turkey to account for the committed. The first American President, who officially recognized the Armenian Genocide, was Woodrow Wilson. Unfortunately that was all about it. All the other presidents of the United States avoid the word "genocide", although such a mass murder is indeed a massacre, especially being so carefully worked out.