St. Sarkis Armenian church opens in Santa Clarita Valley

St. Sarkis Armenian church opens in Santa Clarita Valley

December 20, 2009 - 18:13 AMT  13:52 GMT
Harry Soghomonian: We felt that the Armenian community should have more of a presence in the Santa Clarita Valley.
EU agreed to open talks  with Turkey on the environment chapter

EU agreed to open talks with Turkey on the environment chapter

December 20, 2009 - 17:31 AMT  13:52 GMT
EU member countries agreed late on Thursday to open talks on the environment chapter on Monday during a Turkish-EU intergovernmental conference.
Bako Sahakyan: NKR authorities will keep NSS tasks in the spotlight

Bako Sahakyan: NKR authorities will keep NSS tasks in the spotlight

December 20, 2009 - 17:06 AMT  13:52 GMT
President of the NKR partook at solemn event dedicated to Day of National Security Service serviceman.
RA President: Kazakhstan's presidency in OSCE will help CSTO member states to introduce their approaches to various issues

RA President: Kazakhstan's presidency in OSCE will help CSTO member states to introduce their approaches to various issues

December 20, 2009 - 16:44 AMT  13:52 GMT
Serzh Sargsyan has congratulated Norsultan Nazarbaev on his country's taking OSCE chairmanship starting from 2010.
Turkey uses blackmail to resolve Karabakh issue in favor of Azerbaijan

Turkey uses blackmail to resolve Karabakh issue in favor of Azerbaijan

December 20, 2009 - 16:21 AMT  13:52 GMT
National Neoconservative Movement sent an open letter to RA and NKR Presidents and Foreign Ministers.

ARF Dashnaktsutyun promises restless January to authorities

December 19, 2009 - 20:21 AMT  13:52 GMT
Major events of the past week were the visit of the NKR parliamentary delegation to Armenia, the arrival of Turkish journalists and the inner-party conflicts in the Social Democrat Hunchakian Party of Armenia. As usual several sharp statements were made by ARF Dashnaktsutyun. A number of political scientists assessed the current state of Armenian-Turkish relations. There was also the anticipated reaction from the Republican Party of Armenia in relation to its party members - the RA National Assembly MPs, who had spoken in support of Sasun Mikaelyan.

Armenia summing up results of 2009

December 19, 2009 - 19:24 AMT  13:52 GMT
The crisis taught lessons to Armenia and highlighted its main shortcomings: weak diversification and lack of competitiveness, therefore, to overcome the effects of the crisis the country should provide three essential conditions, head of World Bank Armenian Office Aristomene Varoudakis said. According to him, in order to increase competitiveness of Armenian economy the country need to creating more favorable environment for investors, reduce the role of oligopolies, minimize, or even eliminate corruption in tax authorities, develop infrastructures, particularly in transport and IT spheres," he said.

Egypt can become a truly leading country in Greater Middle East

December 18, 2009 - 22:03 AMT  13:52 GMT
Turkey stepped up its efforts in the struggle for regional leadership because of the weakness of Egypt. According to the Egyptian opposition, Turkey and Iran make use of the weakness of the Arab world to conquer the whole region with the help of Islam. In the opinion of Mustafa Bakri, editor-in-chief of the Egyptian weekly newspaper Al Osboa, Iran wants the entire region to be Shia, and Turkey's ambitions go even further. "Sooner or later Iraq will become a Kurdistan, so we can only hope for the Arab unity. We adhere to the covenants of President Nasser. This primarily refers to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. Gamal Abdel Nasser used to say: What was taken by force, can be returned only by force," stressed Bakri.

Robert Sahakyants: I do what I love, it has never been otherwise

September 25, 2009 - 00:24 AMT  13:52 GMT
A couple of years ago I had a chance of an interview with Robert Sahakyants and one could not assume at that time that he would leave the world so soon. We all knew he was ill, but no one suspected how serious the illness was. He was one of those without whom, in his opinion, everything would sink in sweet syrup. All that you'll read further are his direct words, as we thought no one could speak of Robert Sahakyants and the world surrounding him better than he himself. For some reason he always spoke Russian, although he knew his native language perfectly well. Call it freak of a genius if you like, but now that he is gone words, however beautiful they might be, are needless.

How soon will Armenian Internet users have access to the benefits of global IT-accomplishments?

August 13, 2009 - 23:05 AMT  13:52 GMT
For the past month the focus of Internet-users and IT specialists around the world has been on three main events, namely the completion of the new operating system Windows 7 - the product of Microsoft Corporation, the release of the fast browser Chrome by Google and the work on our own operating system (OS).