Armenian museums will be open to visitors during Museum Night

Armenian museums will be open to visitors during Museum Night

May 14, 2010 - 20:55 AMT  05:18 GMT
Armenia will mark the International Museum Day through special events on May 15.
European Investment Bank interested in North South highway construction project

European Investment Bank interested in North South highway construction project

May 14, 2010 - 20:14 AMT  05:18 GMT
EIB expressed readiness to discuss co financing construction of Ashtarak-Guymri highway section.

Yerevan and Bucharest pleased with level of political dialogue

May 14, 2010 - 19:52 AMT  05:18 GMT
Armenia and Romania have reached a preliminary agreement on organization of joint events, business-seminars in 2010-2011.
Araratbank signs agreement with EBRD on capital increase

Araratbank signs agreement with EBRD on capital increase

May 14, 2010 - 19:39 AMT  05:18 GMT
The capital increase will provide Araratbank with the opportunity to diversify its portfolio of loan investments and expand the clients’ base.

Manuk Vardanyan briefed donor organizations on priority programs in RA transport sphere

May 14, 2010 - 19:28 AMT  05:18 GMT
International donor organizations were familiarized with a number of projects, including North South highway and railway construction.

13 Turkish companies participated in CTS 2010 international tourism fair in Yerevan

May 14, 2010 - 19:12 AMT  05:18 GMT
CTS 2010 international tourism fair aims to facilitate regional tourism, boost relations among tour operators of Armenia, Turkey and Georgia.
Tina Kaidanow: Armenia –important partner to U.S.

Tina Kaidanow: Armenia –important partner to U.S.

May 14, 2010 - 18:46 AMT  05:18 GMT
Armenian Foreign Minister and Deputy Assistant Secretary in the Bureau of European and Eurasian Affairs discussed Karabakh conflict settlement and RA-Turkey relations.
Weekly digest of foreign currency deals

Weekly digest of foreign currency deals

May 14, 2010 - 18:08 AMT  05:18 GMT
On May 3-9, AMD loans granted by banks totaled 12.5 billion, while USD loans amounted to 22 million.
Yerevan hosts International Comics Festival opening

Yerevan hosts International Comics Festival opening

May 14, 2010 - 17:49 AMT  05:18 GMT
Italian artist Paolo Cossi’s works drawing on Armenian Genocide became one of festival highlights.
ANC slams PACE activity at a meeting with Cavusoglu

ANC slams PACE activity at a meeting with Cavusoglu

May 14, 2010 - 17:27 AMT  05:18 GMT
“As we stated, PACE resolution 1677, adopted last year, is actual to this day,” Levon Zurabyan noted.