Elmar Mamedyarov vs. Safar Abiyev

Belligerent announcements periodically published in the Azeri Mass Media, have a very good effect on the Azeri nation, but a very negative one on the image of the country abroad.

After the scandalous announcement made by the Minister of Defense of Azerbaijan Safar Abiyev about the 100% of possibility of war between Armenia and Azerbaijan, there was a kind of a waiting silence in Baku. To all appearances, Ilham Aliyev's people were waiting for the reaction of the world community to the obviously provocative announcement of the Minister of Defense. Soon the European officials of the highest rank momentarily reacted to Abiyev's "militarism", once again repeating that the implementation of force in Nagorno-Karabakh conflict regulation is simply excluded. Perhaps Safar Abiyev missed to notice that it is quite a different thing when Ilham Aliyev speaks about war in front of his citizens and when one speaks about it at the summit of Ministers of Defense of CIS.
PanARMENIAN.Net - As it has already been mentioned more than once, belligerent announcements periodically published in the Azeri Mass Media, as well as the "facts about the disturbances of the seize fire by the Armenian armed forces" , have a very good effect on the Azeri nation, but a very negative one on the image of the country abroad. Hardly Ilham Aliyev will declare about his readiness for war in his meeting with Putin, Bush or the EU. Moreover, the EU Secretary-General Javier Solana emphasized the inadmissibility of the resolution of the conflict by the help of force, mentioning, that the EU will not allow the events to take a worse direction.

According to the professor from San-Andres University in Buenos Aires Khachik Ter-Ghukasyan, such belligerent statements of Azerbaijan or any other country are first of all instruments of pressure on the population. "But on the other hand, Ilham Aliyev can make such statements due to $1 billion defense budget. However, it doesn't mean that he will be allowed to deteriorate the situation. Neither the U.S. nor Russia will tolerate it. It's nothing but bluff and speculation. But Azerbaijan is well armed, furthermore, with the most modern weapons. And this is why Armenia should take these kind of statements rather seriously and shouldn't forget the syndrome of the defeated that reigns there. Calls for the war are just meant to unite the nation, which by itself may become a reason of war," says Khachik Ter-Ghukasyan.

However the statement that became the real surprise was the one made by Elmar Mamedyarov, who spoke against the thesis saying that the Karabakh Conflict may be resolved only by means of force. According to him, the peaceful process needs to be continued, and talks about force implementation should be put an end to.

"It would be rather interesting to know the reaction of the Minister of Defense of Azerbaijan Safar Abiyev, who spoke about the readiness of the official Baku to liberate their territories occupied by the Armenians by force of arms. The Minister even brought examples of some arithmetic calculations according to which there a 100% possibility of war. It is possible that the Azeri party demonstrates all the possibilities through the two ministers, or it is also possible that the diplomat does his job and the military official does his. There is one more thing among what Elmar Mamedyarov said which is worth mentioning. "Our negotiators carry out campaign against illiteracy for the Armenians, explaining the essence of their national interest to them. Most likely either the Armenians haven't made up their mind in this issue yet, or we do not provide the necessary information," said Mamedyarov.

By the highest standards there is nothing unusual in Mamedyarov's speech. It is in the responsibility of the Minister of Foreign Affairs to try to correct the situation. In both cases the statements were sanctioned by the President of Azerbaijan, without which the diplomats and military officials simply do not have the right to say anything. This is stated in the Constitution of Azerbaijan: the inner policy of the country is decided by the Head of the State, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs brings it to life. The same concerns the statements made by the Minister of Defense which cannot be made without any authorization. There is another thing that surprises most, does Baku really think that different sort of anti-Armenian statements disseminated in the internet reach the simple citizens, who are not only deprived of internet, but also electricity from time to time, and that is in a country rich in oil and gaz…
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