Most of LinkedIn Armenian users are IT professionals

Most of LinkedIn Armenian users are IT professionals

PanARMENIAN.Net - LinkedIn social network gathers 90 million professionals from all over the world. In LinkedIn people search for a job, get new business relations, recommend each other, and update their resume regularly.

LinkedIn isn’t so popular in Armenia as world-famous Facebook, which numbers 135 120 users from Armenia.

According to LinkedIn Armenian network’s statistical data, there are 3379 users from Armenia.

As it is shown in LinkedIn’s industry categories, most of Armenian users are professionals from IT field. According to network’s industry statistics, 337 users work in information technologies industry, 307 work in computer software industry, 227 are from telecommunications field. The other users are engaged in banking (167) and NGOs (111) and international affairs (81).

LinkedIn shows that only 100 from 3379 Armenian users are employees of Synopsys Armenia.

LinkedIn also allows to register a company account. According to the network’s statistics, there are 296 registered companies from Armenia. 43 of them are engaged in information technologies, 15 develop computer software and 13 represent telecommunication field. The least number of companies (8) are engaged in research.

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