ANCA releases 2012 Congressional grades and endorsements

ANCA releases 2012 Congressional grades and endorsements

PanARMENIAN.Net - The Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA) released its 2012 Congressional grades and endorsements, throwing the Armenian American community’s political and electoral strength behind House and Senate candidates from across more than 30 states with proven track records of support on issues of special concern to both Armenian Americans and friends of Armenia.

“We are, once again, gratified to offer our Congressional endorsements as a resource to help Armenian American voters make informed decisions at the ballot box on November 6th,” said ANCA Executive Director Aram Hamparian. “With so many Senate and House races being hotly contested, we encourage all Armenian Americans to go to the polls fully armed with all the facts about each candidate’s words and – more importantly – their real-world actions on Armenian American issues.”

The ANCA endorsements are based primarily on ANCA Congressional Report Cards, a detailed review of each incumbent’s record across a broad range of Armenian American issues. These Report Cards, prepared in consultation with ANCA Regional offices and local ANCs across the country, cover issues ranging from securing a just resolution of the Armenian Genocide and forcing Turkey’s return of Armenian and other Christian religious properties, to strengthening U.S.-Armenia relations, defending Nagorno Karabakh’s independence, and increasing U.S. aid and trade levels with Armenia.

Among the grading criteria were each Member’s willingness to advance pro-Armenian American legislative initiatives (resolutions, letters, etc.), including the Armenian Genocide Resolution, the Return of Churches Resolution, and pro-Armenian provisions of the foreign aid bill, as well as their support for Nagorno Karabakh. Other factors include their membership in the Armenian Caucus, attendance at Armenian civic and community events, and their support for human rights issues related to Darfur and Cyprus.

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