Protesters demand BGR Group to drop Azerbaijan as its client

Protesters demand BGR Group to drop Azerbaijan as its client

PanARMENIAN.Net - Armenian protesters have taken to the street in Washington, DC to demand that the BGR Group drop Azerbaijan as its client.

According to the Armenian National Committee of American (ANCA), the demonstrators have gathered in front of the office of the lobbying and communications firm and uring it to "stop covering up for this oil-rich dictatorship’s war crimes against civilians in Artsakh and Armenia."

The lobbying firm The Livingston Group and the law firm DLA Piper – both in the U.S. – earlier terminated their connections with Azerbaijan.

News reports disclose that the Azerbaijani government alone admits retaining the services of some of the most influential lobbying firms in Washington, D.C. The lead firm, BGR Group, reported more than $500,000 in fees in 2019. Other firms listed in news stories include Stellar Jay Communications. In addition, corporate interests such as BP plc, as well as and former officials and other Americans with undisclosed financial interests, actively carry Azerbaijan’s water in what is commonly referred to as the “Azerbaijani Laundromat.”

Azerbaijan, with help from Turkey and terrorist mercenaries deployed by Ankara, started a war against Karabakh (Artsakh) in the morning of September 27. The Armenian side has reported deaths and injuries both among the civilian population and the military. Foreign and local journalists too have been injured in Azeri shelling of towns and villages.

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