Karabakh calls out Azerbaijani troops' attacks on civilian cars

Karabakh calls out Azerbaijani troops' attacks on civilian cars

PanARMENIAN.Net - The Foreign Ministry of Nagorno-Karabakh (Artsakh) has reacted to the Azerbaijani military's continuous attacks on civilian cars in Karabakh, which it said blatantly violate the norms and principles of international law.

Over the past week, the Azerbaijani side has twice resorted to provocations aimed at preventing the resumption of normal vital activity of the population of Artsakh. On March 25 and 29, the Azerbaijani side pelted civilian vehicles with stones when they were moving along the Karmir Shuka–Stepanakert and Stepanakert–Goris highways. Moreover, in the second case, a vehicle carrying the remains of those deceased during the military aggression of Azerbaijan, Turkey and international terrorists against Artsakh was attacked.

"Such provocations against the civilian population of Artsakh testify that either Baku does not control the Azerbaijani armed units in the occupied territories of Artsakh, or the Azerbaijani authorities deliberately and purposefully undermine the stability in the region and the peacekeeping mission carried out by the Russian Federation. The actions of the Azerbaijani side blatantly violate the norms and principles of international law," the Foreign Ministry said.

"In this regard, we consider it necessary to stress that these incidents are also a consequence of the illegal presence in the occupied territories of Artsakh of Azerbaijani armed units and international terrorist groups under the patronage of Azerbaijan and Turkey.

"The provocative actions of the kind deserve the strongest condemnation, and the organizers and perpetrators must be punished appropriately. Impunity and inaction are fraught with unpredictable consequences for peace and stability in the region."

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