Macron: Azerbaijani troops must leave territory of Armenia

Macron: Azerbaijani troops must leave territory of Armenia

PanARMENIAN.Net - French President Emmanuel Macron on Tuesday, June 1 urged Azerbaijani troops to leave Armenian territory, AFP reports (via Barron's).

Hosting Armenia’s caretaker Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan for talks in Paris, Macron said a “lot still needs to be done” to ensure the durability of the ceasefire after the 2020 conflict.

France is seen as one of Yerevan’s closest allies and has repeatedly pledged support for Armenia after its defeat in the conflict. It is also wary of the support given by NATO member Turkey to Azerbaijan in the war.

“The demarcation of the frontier should take place exclusively as part of a negotiation and without any fait accomplish on the ground and, above all, without the use of force,” Macron said.

“Azerbaijani troops must leave the sovereign territory of Armenia,” he added, without giving details on which positions they were holding.

Macron urged the parties to return to the positions they held before the current surge in tensions, adding that “France is ready to help with discussions.”

On the morning of May 12, the armed forces of Azerbaijan violated the border of Armenia in the southern province of Syunik, advancing 3.5 kilometers and surrounding Sev Lake, which is situated on the border between the two countries but is predominantly a part of Armenia. On May 13, the Azerbaijani military committed more border violations against Armenia, advancing near Vardenis (Gegharkunik province) and Sisian (Syunik province). One Armenian serviceman was killed in Azerbaijan’s shooting on May 25, while six others were captured on May 27.

Pashinyan praised France’s support in the crisis.

“France and Armenia have privileged relations. From the start of the crisis, President Macron spoke the language of truth and this voice was heard,” he said.

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