NKR: "Hayastan Fund" commissioned 16 km. of new water pipeline

PanARMENIAN.Net - New 16 km-long pipe line commissioned In Azokh and Taghlar communities of Nagorno-Karabakh Republic (NKR), to serve 2 thousand 300 people from both communities. The line was built in the framework of the programs of All-Armenian Fund "Hayastan" and Fund's representation in France and the NKR Government.

"The Fund has various important programs, but I think the most important issue - the provision of potable water to rural communities" - at the opening of the aqueduct pointed executive director of the All-Armenian Fund "Hayastan" Ara Vardanyan.

Until the end of this year, the new tap line will be extended for a another 6 km, which will provide with drinking water the residents of Drakhtik (450 peple), press office of the Fund "Hayastan" reports.
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