Nadezhda Sarkisyan: server error occurred right after start of sms voting

Nadezhda Sarkisyan: server error occurred right after start of sms voting

A number of violations were registered during sms voting for Eurovision 2010 Armenian national final, chairman of “Emmy-B” producing center Nadezhda Sarkisyan believes.

“Server error occurred right after the voting started, so the audience was provided with results of first few minutes of sms voting only,” she told a news conference in Yerevan.

Upon termination of voting, Singer’s attorney, Vrezh Kirakosyan, advised against announcing results, as there were witnesses to the fact that some of the sms votes did not go through. “Nevertheless, the winner was determined based on results published,” the attorney said.

InterMOB LTD sms service provider hasn’t yet produced the report; Nadezhda Sarkisyan indents to submit report results to European Broadcasting Union as soon as it is provided.

“We don’t claim for a trip to Oslo; we struggle to make transparency and accuracy a feature of Armenian contests,” the singer emphasized, adding: “Emmy and Mihran do not concede defeat, being fully assured of their fans’ support.”

Nadezhda Sarkisyan thanked all the fans of Emmy and Mihran, requesting them to stop support rallies. She expressed intention to resolve the matter legally.

Also, Mrs. Sarkisyan denied rumors of Emmy having been promised participation in Eurovision 2011.

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