66  17.07.16 - Area adjacent to Erebuni police HQ in Yerevan that a group of armed people seized: Day 1

Yerevan police: Gunmen's demand impossible

Yerevan police: Gunmen's demand impossible

PanARMENIAN.Net - Deputy Police Chief of Armenia Hunan Pohosyan told reporters that negotiations are still underway with gunmen who stormed a police HQ in Yerevan and took everyone inside hostage on Sunday, July 17.

The gunmen have one demand, i.e. the release of Jirair Sefilian, which, according to Poghosyan, is impossible.

A police colonel, Artur Vanoyan was killed, while colonel Aram Hovhannisyan, lieutenant colonel Hrach Khosteghdyan and sub-officer Gagik Mkrtchyan were wounded.

Read also:Gunmen take police officers hostage in Yerevan (Updating)

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