Yerevan and Bern Signed Convention for Avoidance of Double Taxation

June 12, 2006 - 14:58 AMT  15:17 GMT
Armenia and Switzerland enjoy good political relations, the Swiss Foreign Minister said.
U.S. to Allot $790 thousand for Training of Armenian Military

U.S. to Allot $790 thousand for Training of Armenian Military

June 12, 2006 - 14:53 AMT  15:17 GMT
The similar amount is granted to Azerbaijan and Russia. Ukraine will receive $1.725 million.
Armenian Citizen Shot Dead in Moscow

Armenian Citizen Shot Dead in Moscow

June 12, 2006 - 14:44 AMT  15:17 GMT
A 52-year-old driver and guardian of the Nogin meatpacking plant was detained as suspect of murder.
Swiss FM: Armenian Cemetery Demolition in Nachichevan Should Be Condemned

Swiss FM: Armenian Cemetery Demolition in Nachichevan Should Be Condemned

June 12, 2006 - 14:37 AMT  15:17 GMT
Armenia and Switzerland have a different history but our cultures have much in common, Micheline Calmy-Rey said.
Switzerland Stands for Peaceful Settlement of Karabakh Conflict

Switzerland Stands for Peaceful Settlement of Karabakh Conflict

June 12, 2006 - 14:28 AMT  15:17 GMT
"Achievement of peace between Armenia and Azerbaijan will lead to stability in the region and normalization of the Armenian-Turkish relations," the Swiss FM considers.
Switzerland Interested in Development of Democratic Processes in Armenia

Switzerland Interested in Development of Democratic Processes in Armenia

June 12, 2006 - 14:19 AMT  15:17 GMT
Micheline Calmy-Rey: Armenia is in center of Switzerland's interests in the South Caucasus.
Armenian and Azeri FMs to Meet June 13

Armenian and Azeri FMs to Meet June 13

June 12, 2006 - 14:03 AMT  15:17 GMT
Vartan Oskanian: the recurrent meeting of the Armenian and Azerbaijani Presidents will be also discussed in Paris.

Implementation Of Kars-Akhalkalaky Project Is Still Doubtful

June 6, 2006 - 22:38 AMT  15:17 GMT
Something has again come between the initiators of Kars-Akhalkalaky railroad construction project. This can be judged by the recent announcement of the general manager of "Georgian Railroad" company Irakly Ezugbaya, through whom the Georgian party openly declared the distrust towards Turkish experts who were committed to carry out the feasibility study of the project. Georgians suppose that Turks and Azeris are trying to economize on them.