No Political Motive in ArmenTel Purchase

No Political Motive in ArmenTel Purchase

December 6, 2006 - 18:13 AMT  10:58 GMT
We have paid for the stocks more than expected, VympelCom's Vice-President said.
Gallup: In World Corruption Rating Armenia occupies 69th place

Gallup: In World Corruption Rating Armenia occupies 69th place

December 6, 2006 - 17:39 AMT  10:58 GMT
Gallup's rating is based on 100-point scale, where 0 is the minimal possible level of corruption and 100 is the maximal possible level.
PACE will Discuss Cultural Heritage of Southern Caucasus

PACE will Discuss Cultural Heritage of Southern Caucasus

December 6, 2006 - 17:13 AMT  10:58 GMT
In the event about the situation in Southern Caucasus, Greece, Romania and Turkey will speak British reporter Edward O'Hara.
Change of ArmenTel Brand Discussed

Change of ArmenTel Brand Discussed

December 6, 2006 - 16:30 AMT  10:58 GMT
VympelCom is not afraid of competition, said ArmenTel's newly appointed Director General.

"ArmenTel" Became Biggest Acquirement of "VympelCom" During Last Period

December 6, 2006 - 16:21 AMT  10:58 GMT
Vladimir Ryabokon: In the issue of demonopolization of Armenia's communication the company does not see real threats.
It Won't Be Possible to Fully Ignore Karabakh Referendum

It Won't Be Possible to Fully Ignore Karabakh Referendum

December 6, 2006 - 16:03 AMT  10:58 GMT
Russian diplomat: No one will think of not recognizing elections in Baku or Gyanja because Armenians did not take part in them.
Kazimirov: Nagorno Karabakh Status Remains Hardest Problem

Kazimirov: Nagorno Karabakh Status Remains Hardest Problem

December 6, 2006 - 15:53 AMT  10:58 GMT
Any statistics in the negotiation process on the conflict settlement is doubtful.
Sargsyan: Deepening Armenia-NATO Partnership is Necessity

Sargsyan: Deepening Armenia-NATO Partnership is Necessity

December 6, 2006 - 15:40 AMT  10:58 GMT
Armenian Minister of Defense met with newly-appomted head of Eurocommissin delegation in Armenia
In 2007 EU will Grant Armenia 21 Million Euros

In 2007 EU will Grant Armenia 21 Million Euros

December 6, 2006 - 14:57 AMT  10:58 GMT
In 2006 Armenia was granted 17 million euros.
Two Suspects of Genocide Monument Theft  Arrested in Paris

Two Suspects of Genocide Monument Theft Arrested in Paris

December 6, 2006 - 14:33 AMT  10:58 GMT
Investigators do not believe that the motives of this theft are political.