Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan opens "ARMENIA EXPO 2009"

PanARMENIAN.Net - Armenian Prime Minister Tigran Sarkisian today attended the opening ceremony of the trade-industrial expo-forum ARMENIA EXPO 2009 organized by the LOGOS EXPO Center and the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Armenia.

The ninth regional universal trade-industrial expo-forum ARMENIA EXPO 2009 will take place September 4 -6 in Yerevan Sport-Concert complex after Karen Demirchyan.

The prime minister attached importance to the forum. "Organization of such events is a good precondition for overcoming existing problems jointly," he said.

The forum is attended by 150 organizations from 9 countries. "This means that people come here with certain programs, they have something to submit, to acquire new partners and new markets. We promote such events and understand that they are essential for a good business environment, " he said.

ARMENIA EXPO - 2009 is the largest exhibition in the region. In contrast to other events, which give only a partial picture of certain industries, the forum covers practically all industries.
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