Armenia should have an alternative for transportation of goods

PanARMENIAN.Net - Armenia should have an alternative market for transportation of goods, head of finance and budget committee of the Armenian  parliament Gagik Minasyan told a press conference in Yerevan today.

According to him, last year's developments in Georgia showed that Armenia needs to have alternative markets and transit routes for Armenian goods, Turkey could be such a country.

Moreover, as Gagik Minasyan said, the cost of transportation of goods from the U.S. to the Georgian port of Poti is the same as  the cost  from Poti to Armenia. "Naturally, with the opening of Turkish border we will not receive manna from heaven , great possibilities will open for Armenia, which should at the same time, meet the challenges," he said.  

The Turkish economy is sufficiently developed and attractive (17th place among the developed economies of the world). Besides 70 million Turkish market, 1.5 billion European market (Turkey is a part of European customs zone) will open for Armenia, he said.

According to Mr. Minasyan, no need to fear the Turkish dumping policies. "The Armenian government should develop appropriate policies to protect the domestic market.  On behalf of the RA Prime Minister all departments is undertaking studies to determine the risks and opportunities  to be brought by open borders with Turkey, "- he said.

According to Gagik Minasyan, in the case of opening of the Armenian-Turkish border, Armenia would be able to export electricity to Turkey, there is some interest in acquiring the Armenian cement, certain types of agricultural products.
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