Richard Hoagland cannot say he recognizes Armenian Genocide

PanARMENIAN.Net - The U.S. has a serious attitude about the Armenian Genocide issue but the foreign policy doesn't imply use of the term 'genocide' for describing the tragedy of the Armenian people in 1915, Arpi Vartanian, the Armenian Assembly of America Regional Director for Armenia and Nagorno Karabakh said in an interview with PanARMENIAN.Net In her words, any U.S. ambassador with uttering the words 'Armenian Genocide' would stand against the foreign policy and face immediate recall, as it happened with John Evans. "Richard Hoagland cannot say he recognizes the Armenian Genocide by this very reason. However, in case the U.S. foreign policy changes and the U.S. comes to recognize the Armenian Genocide, ambassadors including the one to Turkey will be obliged to recognize it. Our goal is to achieve changes in the foreign policy and we are cooperating with the Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA) on the issue," Ms. Vartanian said.

She also said that the Armenian Genocide resolution to be submitted to the Congress January 30 is an attempt to change the U.S. foreign line. "The day of Holocaust will be marked throughout the globe January 27, so I do not understand why the day of the Armenian Genocide should not be marked on April 24. If a correct assessment were timely given to the tragedy of 1915 it could have prevented the Holocaust and the genocides in Rwanda, Cambodia and Darfur. We press not only for the international recognition of the Armenian Genocide but also for prevention of any genocide in any spot of the world," she underscored.

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