Karabakh: Louder Baku speaks about war, more confident Armenia has the right to speak about impossibility of concessions

PanARMENIAN.Net - "All militant calls from Azerbaijan on arms race and possibility of launching military actions in near future give Yerevan a quite successful reason for additional argumentation in the dialog with western superpowers and European structures for grounding its rights on the territories of Lower Karabakh," head of Caucasian Studies at the Caucasian Media Institute Sergey Minasyan stated during an international conference entitled "Caucasus-2006" in Yerevan. He said, Azerbaijan's militarization may give certain political preferences to Armenia. "Azerbaijan considers militarization and calls for war efficient tools for exerting pressure on Armenia making him be more compliant in the Karabakh issue. Armenia can assure that in conditions of such intensive militarization of Azerbaijan keeping that territories under the control of Nagorno Karabakh is one of the important elements for ensuring military balance," Minasyan underlined.

"Louder Baku speaks about war for liberating Karabakh, more confident Armenia has the right to speak about impossibility of making territorial concessions from Lower Karabakh. Argumentation becomes more convincing in the eyes of the world community, since concession of territories will disturb military balance and create in Azerbaijan temptation to really launch military actions. Taking into account this circumstance, it is in the interests of the world community to keep the security zone territories around Nagorno Karabakh under Armenian control," he said.

At the same time Minasyan underlined mass purchases of Ukrainian armament by Azerbaijan had destabilizing effect in the region. "Azerbaijan bought from Ukraine "Smerch" type 12 missile systems, which approach weapons of mass destruction with their characteristic features," he thinks.

"However, arms race is a double-edged thing, and actually it is difficult to say how arms increase in Azerbaijan will have impact on his offensive abilities in case if a war breaks out in Karabakh," Minasyan underlined.
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