Armenia to subsidize 50% of babysitting services for kids under 2

Armenia to subsidize 50% of babysitting services for kids under 2

PanARMENIAN.Net - The Armenian parliament has approved a draft proposal under which the government will subsidize 50% of babysitting services for children under two, with 89 lawmakers voting in favor.

The state support for parents who are in childcare leave will be provided once they return to work.

The parliament thus approved making amendments to the country's employment law.

When preparing the proposal, the government has studied the experience of several European countries, that of France in particular, as well as those of Norway and some regions of Russia.

The system of co-financed daycare services in the aforementioned countries and regions is performed in three main methods - certified nannies who admit children to their homes, kindergartens, and babysitters who take care of the kids in their parent's homes.

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