Russia not ruling out work with U.S., EU on Baku-Yerevan ties

Russia not ruling out work with U.S., EU on Baku-Yerevan ties

PanARMENIAN.Net - Russia, the United States and the EU could work together to normalize relations between Yerevan and Baku if Washington and Brussels do not pass off Moscow’s developments as their own, Deputy Foreign Minister of Russia Mikhail Galuzin said Monday, October 9.

“They (the three sides - Ed.) can. But with the understanding that the European Union and the United States will not intercept our developments and pass them off as their own, and will fit their actions into the modalities of the Armenian-Azerbaijani settlement that have already been worked out between the parties through the mediation of Russia,” Galuzin said in interview with RBC.

“It is from this angle that we approach contacts with the European Union and the United States on the matter.”

At the same time, Galuzin did not agree with the viewpoint that the Russian Federation, the United States and the European Union are competing with each other on the issue.

“There are modalities for a peaceful settlement developed between Russia, Azerbaijan and Armenia in 2020 and in the next two years. And if the European Union and the United States want to help with their implementation, then, of course, we will not be against it. But if they want take advantage of Russian developments and act without Russia, clearly such an approach cannot suit us,” he concluded.

The United States earlier confirmed that a secret meeting between diplomats from the U.S., France and the European Union in Istanbul was aimed at addressing urgent humanitarian issues in Nagorno-Karabakh.

Politico revealed earlier that top officials from the United States and the EU met with their Russian counterparts for undisclosed emergency talks in Turkey designed to resolve the standoff over Nagorno-Karabakh, just days before Azerbaijan launched a military offensive, forcing over 100,000 Armenians to abandon their homes. A senior diplomat with knowledge of the discussions said the meeting took place on September 17 in Istanbul as part of efforts to pressure Azerbaijan to end its nine-month blockade of the enclave and allow in humanitarian aid convoys from Armenia. According to the envoy, the meeting focused on “how to get the bloody trucks moving” and ensure supplies of food and fuel could reach its estimated 100,000 residents.

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