Potato prices likely to go up in Armenia in February 2011

Potato prices likely to go up in Armenia in February 2011

PanARMENIAN.Net - Chairman of the Agrarian-Peasant Union of Armenia Hrachya Berberyan said that the total cultivation area of Armenia reduced by 30% as compared with last year.

“According to our calculations, potato harvest will make around 320,000t, while the demand for it makes around 400,000t. Naturally, prices for potato will grow, amounting to AMD 350-400 in February,” Berberyan told journalists on September 30.

The expert believes that even small-size potato will be sold at a high price, resulting in problems with seeds in spring 2011.

Besides, Berberyan noted that sowing of winter crops is endangered this year, as lack of rains resulted in soil solidification, thus, it is impossible to plough up large territories.

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