Residents of Areni village share their wonderful wine with guests and tourists

Residents of Areni village share their wonderful wine with guests and tourists

PanARMENIAN.Net - Governor of Vayots Dzor region Sergey Bagratyan said that each region of Armenia should have its own mechanism of development.

Wine Holiday was marked in Areni village (Vayots Dzor region, Armenia) on October 17. It was organized by the Armenian Ministry of Economy and rural administration of Areni village.

According to Bagratyan, Areni village is ready to share its wine-making with other regions and villages, as it has achieved certain successes in grape cultivation and making a good wine of it – Areni. “We are inspired by our achievements, as we manage to overcome difficulties and secure jobs for the village residents,” he said.

Head of Tourism and Territorial Economic Development Department at the RA Ministry of Economy Mekhak Apresyan noted that similar holidays in Armenia’s regions should have a consecutive nature. He added that a range of national and traditional holidays are envisaged to be included in tour products from 2011 to develop tourism, what will allow incoming tourists to learn more about cultural heritage of the Armenian people.

Wine and cheese tasting, competition of ride, paintings exhibition and other events were organized as part of the holiday.

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