Armenian doctors have to both treat cancer and raise funds for it

Children die in Armenia due to shortage of money for the treatment.

February 28, 2010
February 15 is International Childhood Cancer Day. New cases of cancer in Armenia account for 7000 annually, including about 100 children under 15. The figure is terrifying, although they don’t differ much from the world statistics. Cancer is a very insidious disease without marked initial symptoms. In most cases, the latent period of the disease is durable and it can hardly be detected in the initial stage.

Issue on existence of Armenology chair in Freie Universitat Berlin still open

Freie Universitat Berlin management's decision on closing the chair of Armenian studies by the end of 2009 - 2010 academic year is still in force.

February 8, 2010
According to RA Ministry of Diaspora, there are 75 Armenology centers outside Armenia. However, not all of them are active due to lack of funds. The centers, which are mainly sponsored by Armenian funds and organizations, have appreciable achievements in Armenology development and national identity retention.

Armenia celebrates the Holy Resurrection

The symbols of Easter in the old days were straw dolls Grandma Utis, mistress of the Armenian cuisine, and Grandpa Paz, who held in hands exactly 40 threads, a stone being tied at the end of each one.

April 11, 2009
On April 11, the Armenian Apostolic Church (AAC) begins to celebrate the Easter, one of the six patronal festivals. From sunset till late night all the churches of the Armenian Apostolic Church serve Liturgy that marks the end of Lent and the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. The celebration of the dead and resurrected god dates back to the ancient Egyptian religion, when the Egyptians celebrated the death and resurrection of God Osiris. Present Christian Easter takes its origin from the Old Testament. The old Jews celebrated the Passover (Pesach) as the holiday of exodus of Jews from Egypt.