Frank Schweikert: Ecological festival Arevordi has regional significance

PanARMENIAN.Net - In the framework of «Arevordi» eco-festival the Embassy of France in Armenia hosted a reception in honor of participants and jury members of the festival October 28 in Yerevan.

"I find Arevordi very professional compared to other festivals. Organizers and participants have a huge motivation, " jury member of the main program of the festival Frank Schweikert told a last press conference in Yerevan today.

According to him, the festival has a regional significance, since the topics discussed are not only of national but also international importance. The festival once again proves that communication is one of the most important tools on the way to solve problems.

"We will watch 16 films until the end of the festival, and our task is to find the film which will be interesting to any audience. These films should attract attention and be accessible to all, " Frank Schweikert told a PanARMENIAN.Net reporter.

The festival also organized screenings of films devoted to environmental issues.

"We must always be careful to the environment. Such festivals are helping to raise public awareness and find solutions to global problems, " the French Ambassador to Armenia Serge Smessow said.

The reception was attended by head of the OSCE Office in Yerevan, Ambassador Sergey Kapinos.
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