Tuberculosis rumors spread in Yerevan State University

Tuberculosis rumors spread in Yerevan State University

PanARMENIAN.Net - Students of Roman-Germanic philology faculty at Yerevan State University refused to enter the university building on April 19 morning for their classes claiming their alma-mater faces tuberculosis epidemic.

Karen Grigoryan, YSU’s PR and information department head told a PanARMENIAN.Net reporter there is no epidemic actually.

“A 2nd year student was diagnosed with tuberculosis about a week ago; she is in hospital now. Others, unaware of what the tuberculosis is and how it spreads, made all this fuss,” he said.

“We invited the director of National tuberculosis institute, anti-epidemic service head, a Healthcare Ministry representative, and they explained to the students that the tuberculosis agent does not survive a 10-second contact with the air, so any contraction is out of question here,” Grigoryan detailed.

According to him, the students missed morning lectures and then classes continued according to the schedule.

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