Armenian Genocide - Horror for All Alive, Piotrovsky Said

PanARMENIAN.Net - "The entire world must recognize the Armenian Genocide in Ottoman Turkey in 1915, recognize and condemn the genocide system that made 20th century notorious, starting from Armenians and Jews. The world must condemn it together, because the 20th century has demonstrated that humans are animals, not humans," stated Head of the Russian Hermitage Museum, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS) Mikhail Piotrovsky on March 23, after ceremony at the Tsitsernakaberd Memorial of victims of the Armenian Genocide in Yerevan. He said that the Armenian Genocide is a great tragedy that everybody must learn from. If people resist, Genocide becomes the moral victory of victims, as became the Armenian Genocide, said Piotrovsky.

Today Mikhail Piotrovsky along with his son Boris Piotrovsky and Director of South Caucasian branch of the Caucasian Institute for Democracy Development Foundation Armenika Kiviryan visited the Museum-Institute of the Armenian Genocide. Museum Director Lavrenty Barseghyan familiarized the guests with the history and facts of that monstrous crime, as well as presented them with literature on the subject. In his turn M. Piotrovsky left a record in the Book of Memory, "Blessed memory to all the victims and those annihilated. It is a horror for all people alive, it cannot be forgotten or forgiven. Eternal glory to those, who found strength to resist under those conditions, their death gives hope."
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