July 25, 2007 - 16:55 AMT
Baku can get South Azerbaijan as compensation for Nagorno Karabakh?
"It's demonstrative that some of the U.S. observers arrived to watch the presidential elections in Karabakh from Kosovo and returned there afterwards. The observation mission included members of the Group of International Law and Policy and the U.S. University of Kosovo Foundation. It turns out that the same people are dealing with the Kosovo and Karabakh issues. Does it mean that Washington may apply the same approach to Kosovo and NKR?" Russian political scientist Alexander Krylov writes in an article titled "Will the United States exchange Karabakh for South Azerbaijan?" and published on Novaya Politika website.

Given the striving of the current U.S. administration for reshaping borders, such supposition doesn't seem absurd. The difference is that Serbia, in case it surrenders, will receive nothing but unsubstantiated promises about EU membership. Azerbaijan, however, can receive a territorial compensation in the form of South Azerbaijan. Thus, a decision can be found at the expense of Iran, whose partition is openly discussed by the western media and American expert community.

Evidently, resolution of the Karabakh problem by Kosovo model may seem attractive for the U.S. administration. It will allow accomplishing the main task in the Caucasus: to secure simultaneous accession of the Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia to NATO, what will push Russia out of the South Caucasus and will offer the opportunity to put into operation the scenario of Iran's split into ethnic elements. In this context, the information about U.S. readiness to deliver a blow on Iran furnished by "reliable sources" is very demonstrative.

"May such a variant be admissible for Armenia and may it receive benefits that will force the republic to refuse from strategic partnership with Russia? I think, yes. But in this case the Karabakh settlement will be all-embracing, including recognition of the Armenian Genocide by Turkey, without which normalization of the Armenian-Turkish relations is hardly possible.

Will Turkey accept such a scenario? Yes, it can prefer a "mild variant" of Genocide acknowledgement in order to avoid paying material and territorial compensations. The Armenian nation, for its part, may receive Karabakh as a compensation for the 1915 Genocide. For this purpose, the U.S. will have to persuade Baku to refuse from Nagorno Karabakh in exchange for South Azerbaijan. Although, experience of the Middle East shows that U.S. daring experiments on world rearrangement create problems rather than solve them," Alexander Krylov writes.