Armenia is an important partner, says EU military official

Armenia is an important partner, says EU military official

PanARMENIAN.Net - Armenia is an important partner of the European Union in the South Caucasus, according to General Robert Brieger, the Chairman of the European Union Military Committee (CEUMC).

Brieger made the remarks at a meeting with the head of Armenia’s delegation to the EU, ambassador Tigran Balayan on Friday, March 8.

As reported by the RA Embassy in Brussels,

General Brieger introduced the strategy and priorities of the European Union in the military and defense sector, the pan-European security vision, noting in this context that Armenia is an important partner of the EU in the South Caucasus.

Ambassador Balayan, in turn, hailed the level of interaction between Armenia and the European Union, emphasizing the expansion of the security and official component.

He drew the attention of his colleague to the large-scale reform program of the armed forces implemented by the Armenian government, emphasizing the need for EU support in this regard.

Referring to the activities of the European Union Civilian Observation Mission in Armenia, the ambassador noted that it has an important stabilizing role in terms of regional security.

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