July 6, 2010 - 13:55 AMT
Georgia was occupied by many countries for several centuries

The Javakheti Diaspora of Russia issued a statement, saying that Georgian authorities are going to take another destructive step.

"A new auxiliary history textbook entitled ‘200 Years of Russian Occupation’, will enter Georgian schools from September 2010. We consider the introduction of the textbook unacceptable, the more so as the issue is covered in history textbooks. Instead of taking diplomatic steps and settling its relations with Russia, the Georgian authorities act quite the opposite way," the statement reads.

It goes on saying that "there is no need in publishing 200 years of Russian Occupation textbook as an auxiliary manual. Georgia was occupied by many countries for several centuries. Then, instead of teaching Georgia's history in schools, let them teach Georgia's Occupation by Turkey, Georgia's Occupation by Persia, Arabs, Mongols and Azerbaijanis. Georgia's occupation by Turkey continues up to date. If it is not an occupation, let Turkey return Tao-Clarjeti. Besides, Georgia's Saingilo is still occupied by Azerbaijan. We strongly believe that the Georgian authorities should find ways for improving its relations with Russia and we urge the Georgian authorities to stop playing off the Russian and Georgian nations and to take constructive measures for the settlement of political and diplomatic disputes with Russia."