Gabriel Campillo vs. Karo Murat clash ends in draw

Gabriel Campillo vs. Karo Murat clash ends in draw

PanARMENIAN.Net - October 1 clash between former WBA light heavyweight champion Gabriel Campillo (21-3-1, 8 KO’s) and German based Karo Murat (24-1-1, 14 KO’s) ended in a 12 round majority draw in Neubrandenburg, Germany.

The judges’ scores were as follows: 115-113, 111-117 and 114-114. Campillo dominated most of the fight with his combination punching and nonstop punching. However, Murat was able to land hard body and head shots in every round of the fight, making it difficult to score a lot of the rounds. In the 12th, Murat had Campillo badly hurt in the last minute of action after tagging him with a huge right hand, but was unable to finish him off, Boxing News 24 reported.

Murat retained his IBF I/C title in a fight, which was also an official IBF eliminator for the title, currently owned by Tavoris Cloud.

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